sábado, 23 de enero de 2010

To Be (Let's start from the beginning!)

Si quieres empezar a aprender inglés el primer paso es aprenderse el verbo TO BE. Más adelante comprobarás que éste verbo puede realizar la función de verbo auxiliar para formar otros tiempos verbales.
Su significado es "ser, estar o tener". Éste último significado se utiliza para hablar de la edad: I am fourteen years old y NO I have fourteen years old.

Éstas son sus formas en PRESENT SIMPLE:
Affirmative = Sujeto + am/is/are
I am - (I'm)
You are - (You're)
He/She/It is - (He's/She's/It's)
We/You/ They are - (We're/You're/They're)

Negative = Sujeto + am/is/are + not
I am not - (I'm not)
You are not - (You're not/You aren't)
He/She/It is not - (He's not/He isn't)
We/You/They are not - (We're not/We aren't; They're not/They aren't)

Interrogative = am/is/are + Sujeto (¡acuerdate de que invertimos el orden!)
Am I?
Are you?
Is he/she/it?
Are we/you/they?

Aquí tienes también sus formas en PAST SIMPLE:
Affirmative = Sujeto + was/were
I was
You were
He/She/It was
We/You/They were

Negative = Sujeto + was/were + not
I was not (I wasn't)
You were not - (You weren't)
He/She/It was not - (He wasn't)
We/You/They were not - (We weren't)

Interrogative = Was/Were + Sujeto
Was I?
Were you?
Was he/she/it?
Were we/you/they?

Si tu nivel es un poco más avanzado repasa sus distintas formas y tiempos con este vídeo:

Te invito a visitar éstos dos enlaces para hacer un par de ejercicios autocorregibles:
Ejercicio 1.
Ejercicio 2

Aquí tenéis otro vídeo más:

Y para finalizar, una canción que usa mucho el verbo TO BE en su estribillo (¡pincha en la foto para escucharla!):

¿Sabes diferenciar el uso del verbo TO BE y el HAVE GOT? Vamos a ver con este ejercicio.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear teacher,

    I would like thank you this exercises (and of course, the time that you devote to this page), I've done all of them and I'm very happy because this is the first time in my life that I've done an English exercise and all answers was correct at the first!

    There are nothing like start with a good foot. :-D

    I'm sure that if I follow this blog for a ten years, I will not need more the Google Translate for write to you, jajaja
